Making Ice Cream and Sorbet

Recently, I went to an event hosted by ALOHA. Their focus is to make healthy food easy by providing powders, teas, bars, sweeteners, and so much more, that can be mixed in with your favorite dishes.

Some of my favorite desserts come in the more frozen variety, but they always leave me bloated and unsatisfied; typically caused from the preservatives and other chemicals dumped in. So this time for Tillie Tries, I made two frozen treats from scratch – watermelon plum sorbet with ALOHA tea and cherry vanilla ice cream.

Following the recipes from [for sorbet] and [for vanilla ice cream] I attempted to recreate what their photos showed, on my own. I don’t have an ice cream maker and didn’t see the need to purchase one just for the video, as it would have been a monetary waste. In lieu of, I found instructions at on how to make ice cream without a machine (and not using the Ziploc bag method) with a hand-cranked or electric mixer.

These are the end results for both, but know this… I am not a professionally trained chef, nor do I have secret culinary skills kept hidden from the world. I can follow a recipe, but don’t have the patience for a lot of what I see. Even making both of these was so overwhelming that I had to take break after filming the first one. And though I’d rather nap than cook, it sparked something in me to try more difficult dishes. Maybe even a Thanksgiving dinner… who knows! At this point, the food world is my oyster.

Ooh, wait… maybe making oysters should be next. Do you make oysters? I don’t know.

