A Day in the Life of a Libra – July 19, 2011

Years ago, I had a blog called A Day in the Life of a Libra where I would write about my everyday. The last series of continuous entries dates back to 2011/2012, around the time I moved to New York.  It’s so interesting reading of all the hilarious, awkward, and sometimes depressing things that transpired, the unhealthy positions I put and allowed myself to stay in, how many times I started a new regimen, but most importantly how I’ve changed and/or stayed the same! I’ll be making the old link private and on occasion repost some faves here.

The title will be the date published to help differentiate past from present. This particular post is truthfully a stall tactic on a story I wrote about Korryn Gaines, mental illness, and myself. When you’re putting a piece of yourself, specifically something so hidden, out into the world, the hesitation is all too strong.

I’ll try again tomorrow, but until then, enjoy.


Feeling on Your Boo-hooty!

Never buy panties with buttons on the front. Better yet, if you choose to ignore my prior warning, don’t wear the bought panties unless your trying to “get it on”.

I unfortunately made the mistake of purchasing such panties, because they were pretty. Yes, I know that’s never a wise rationale to making a long term commitment to anything or anyone, but we all learn from our mistakes. Anyway, I wore such panties today and tried adjusting myself while walking the streets of Downtown Pittsburgh. NOTE Yes, I do work Downtown. No, I am not a trick on the corner, but if I was I would be making more dough in a day than what I currently gross weekly; a career change I’m highly considering. -END NOTE. Unsurprisingly, while administering said adjustment the top panty button unfastened. Oh. I didn’t mention that these ridiculous undergarments actually fasten and unfasten? Well, they do. Which for me is a complete pain in the ass, because I can be very self-conscious at times, even with things no one can see but me. So my immediate reaction is to fix this debacle. Complete fail. I tried being as graceful and ladylike as possible, but for those who know me, that’s not possible. At my worst, I can be mannish and uncouth. Seriously. I get out of the car like a goat learning to walk for the first time, my outfit/panty adjustments resemble that of a male genitalia adjustment/groping, and I probably chew like a cow. And because my friends think I’m too sensitive aka I’ll attack them with a butter knife, they choose not to inform me of my flaws.

Ugh. This is my life.

Day 2 of the non-carb loading lifestyle. It’s hard. I like sweet things and rice. All things that apparently have a high amount of carbohydrates within and very hard to resist. Especially while your period is visiting. Which by the way is annoying. This is its third visit in two months. Not fair. Not fair for many reasons with reason one superseding the others.

Cut me a break body.

I spent all of Saturday curled up on my couch, due to sharp pains in my abdomen. Thinking it was due to my excessive drinking the evening before, I vowed to never drink again (or for a long time). As the day progressed, I recognized the pain. It wasn’t due to my lack of control with alcoholic beverages. They were cramps.

Go ahead. I give you permission to question my intelligence this once.

I just looked up obnoxious on Dictionary.com and hateful is a synonym. Umm, that doesn’t seem correct.

Lookie here…