Tag: Rituals

  • Must have Summercessories!

    It’s a season many love and few hate, but no matter your feelings are towards the devil months, we can all agree there are must have summercessories to get you through it. Literally, all the things you need to get through swollen ankles, the itch of bug bites, dehydrated skin, SPF, and so on. To…

  • You’ve got the right stuff…. Santa!

    I don’t really know what goes in stockings because this wasn’t apart of our holiday ritual growing up. To be honest, I just thought stocking stuffers were things that only occurred in films like walking in slow motion in a bikini while everything else around you moves at normal speed. It wasn’t until my bosses’…

  • Thanksgiving shopping deals so good you’ll ignore your guests…

    You’re family’s in town and as much as you love to hear your Aunt repeat,”When I was your age…” everytime you took a breath, you care more about how much Grampa plans on giving you for those holiday deals. And yes, I’m sitting here giving you mad side-eye thinking,”This ungrateful heathen.” The news, year after…