It’s the New Year and don’t think I’m going to harass your eyes with “New Year, New Me”, because it’s so overused, they’ve created memes for it. What I will say, is that I love the New Year. It’s like you’ve been given a new year to right all personal wrongs. Basically, stop making excuses and be the best you, you can be.

So what are my resolutions this year? I don’t have any… I’ve just made a pact to myself to follow through. Follow through on being healthier. Following through on completing the task at hand rather than being distracted by text messages, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Follow through on reading books and magazines. (I’ve already finished Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise Sagan this week). And to start my goal of being healthier follow through, I’m starting with CrossFit at CrossFit NYC.CrossFit-Group

The largest CrossFit gym in the world, CrossFit NYC doesn’t distract you by the hoopla accessories of “staying healthy” like juice bars, in-house retail arena of loud colors, or relaxation areas for decompressing after a heavy session. They just do CrossFit training. And based off of my first week there, they do it pretty damn well!

Currently, I’m in the Elements class because I’ve never taken CrossFit before, so it’s their way of easing you into what’s to come a few weeks later. Our class is Mondays and Thursdays at 6AM, with 4 other classmates. Each day is designed to further integrate your body as well as verbally teaching you the fundementals of what training entail. Plus, don’t think CrossFit are eaxtemely buff competitive people, they aren’t all like that. It’s actually one of the most supportive workout groups I’ve probably ever been to. I felt like jelly the first session and sore the second, but the biggest fete has been walking into the door. Because once you’re inside, there’s no turning back and the most important hurdle has been passed.

Tomorrow is the beginning of Week 2 so make sure to check out my Instagram for photos, and soon, clips of each session. And check back next week, when I sit down with our instructor Michael.
