If someone ever asked me my dream guy, I’d mention some European cutie who speaks English so poorly you don’t know what he’s saying. But being from Texas, Southern drawls of mushed up, incoherent phrases will always have a place in my heart. That’s why I’m super excited to announce Matthew McConaughey as the new face of Lincoln Motor Company.

He’s stolen our hearts on the silver screen one to many times, has coined the iconic phrase, “Alright, alright, alright,” and has acted the pants off the Academy (so much he earned a long overdue, well deserved Oscar). And now, sticking to his roots, he’s partnered with a company, like himself, that’s as American as apple pie.Photo-Image

This multi-year collaboration will be showcased in a manner different than what we’re used to with ad campaigns. Using the medium of storytelling, we enter the world of Lincoln through the mind of McConaughey. It’s genuine, relatable and simple, yet so engaging and captivating. The way he describes a car is like he’s discussing a high school quarterback being scouted by colleges, making visual comparables to the body. Nothing seems forced or scripted allowing the viewer and potential buyer to understand the car in a way only a true car aficionado would.

“Lincoln is an iconic, American brand and I like where they are heading with their transformation. I had the chance to drive the new MKC around Texas and I think they’re doing a good job,” said McConaughey

The Lincoln re-launch to the luxury market began in 2012 by introducing four new cars in four years. The new MKC is a performance-minded, midsize sedan that incorporates the modernity of tech, with luxurious craftsmanship. As their first chapter with Matthew McConaughey, I wait with baited breath what awaits in coming chapters.